Saturday, April 28, 2012

IDSC for Life: Down syndrome Abortion. Do We Talk About This or Not?

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IDSC for Life: Down syndrome Abortion. Do We Talk About This or Not?

We have been following a very interesting conversation via the internet.  It is between three people, all of whom we respect a great deal.

It began with an article, written by Monica Rafie and Tracy Winsor, in which they discuss the national Down syndrome organizations', NDSS and NDSC's, stance to remain neutral on the issue of abortion of babies who have Down syndrome. Monica and Tracy had suggested that the national organizations embrace "a simple and confident assertion that abortion is not an appropriate parental response to the prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome."

Mark Leach responded to their article on Public Discourse.  The main point of his response was this, the NDSS and the NDSC "must assure the medical community that they are not pro life organizations."  He then goes on to state this, "Rafie and Winsor are quite right to call on NDSS and NDSC to take a public stand condemning selective abortion for Down syndrome. Doing so, however, is an anti-discrimination position, not an exclusively pro-life position. Rafie and Winsor’s larger argument, however, criticizing NDSS and NDSC for not being overtly pro-life or advocating the cause of the unborn ignores the actual difficult experience of expectant mothers." 

In fact, we hope you will read all of the articles. In this respectful dialogue, all three have brought to the table very good thoughts on this issue.  It is a conversation that needs to happen, as we are at a crossroads in this part of advocacy. The new test is looming. Insurance company's are partnering with the corporations that are making the test, while at the same time, the government has a mandate that is in place, ready to roll. We have no other choice, but to discuss this.

*Be sure to read the back articles within this respectful debate.

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